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Albion Map. The Kukeri are otherworldly creatures that eschew the warlike ways of man. They travel in nomadic societies, living off the abundance the land has to offer. For generations, they watched outside kingdoms rise and fall, and they gazed from afar, happy in their tranquility. During a particularly long, harsh winter season, The Kukeri began to starve. Against the judgment of the many of the elders, The Kukeri began trading with The Danann, who treated The Kukeri with the deepest of respect.
A deep divide began amongst the Kukeri, splitting them into two tribes: those who would stay in the East and maintain peaceful relations with The Danann, and those who set out to the West, demanding isolation above all things. The Kukeri in the East, in an attempt to never starve again, abandoned their nomadic ways and settled in plains above the Wicklen Mountains, which they named Ku Rael (which means “Sweet Wind”). The Kukeri who carved their way West struggled for many decades, never shedding the life of nomadic hunters, and eventually coming to occupy the harsh swamplands in the Southwest region of Albion on the shore of The Blue Sea, which they called Ku Dain (which means “Soggy Tree”….
The Ku Dain Kukeri leaders wanted to name their land something much scarier sounding, but unfortunately there are no scary words native to the Kukeri language. When the Milesians came to Albion and The Great War began, General Eeder gifted weapons and armor to the Kukeri of Ku Dain, hoping they would help destroy The Danann. What he did not plan on was that the Kukeri of Ku Dain believed firmly in their separatist dogma and once gifted the weapons of war, the Kukeri disappeared back into the swamplands of Ku Dain, never to be seen again. Milesians who attempted to contact the Ku Dain Kukeri were never heard from again. The Wannabe Movie Watch Online more. The Eastern Kukeri from Ku Rael, who had attempted to aid their Danann allies in little ways, found themselves victims of Milesian wrath and raids, and in the end they chose to withdraw into their plains as well, and let war fall where it may. After the fall and the imprisonment of The Danann, it was not uncommon for a lost Danann forager, camping at the edge of the Kukerian Sea to awake and find several small grass baskets full of food and provisions lying nearby. The Kukeri never forget kindness, and The Danann were friends when they needed them so many years ago during that cold, cold winter season.